BioGax - JVGames

Bio Gax

2003, JVGames

Reviewed by Joey Vojtkofsky aka Vasteel.

This my first time reviewing a shmups game. So, what do we have here with Bio Gax?

Graphics 7: A strange mix of 8-bit and 16-bit.. Your ship looks a awful lot like a Pikachu.@_@!The bosses have very nice style to them.

Music 10: Music rocks in the extreme! Sounds lot like Mega Man music..VERY catchy...Sometimes, you'll find yourself humming them.

GamePlay 9: Unlike some PC shmups, Bio gax has a perfect learning curve. First two stages are quite easy. Stage 3 is short and brings up a hard dragon boss...Then comes my most hated level of Bio gax, the pale,purple cancer stage...One word...Tumors!of cancer.. All over the stage are annoying, deadly purple growths of cancer! Bio gax offers a good challenge with 7 levels and 8 bosses...One complaint I have about it is that your bullets are small and hard to see at times,while the enemy's bullets are large and rotating which makes them hard to dodge in the small twisting, maze like levels.. Luckily, JVGames gives us a life meter and 5 lives to begin with... Bio gax,however,is not a weapon filled blast-a-thon (That means get out of here, Compile heads..) but rather a game based on mastery of one simple system ,the multi-directional shot. You only have a peashooter for a weapon, however,you shoot in the direction you are currently moving or just moved the Bio Hamster Ship. The game is built around this.

Now,that's a wee boss!:D

The first boss of the game.He has a bullet pattern quite common of Bio Gax bosses,Blue,rotating shots spread out and mid-sized,yellow lasers shot straight. This should be easy,since this the first boss of the game. Any one who has to continue on this guy, hang your self.


Pika, pika.. Chu! Oops.. wrong game..

Not bad for a first stage,eh?

This is Level 1 is easy,good for practicing the M.D.system. Be careful around the flying nano bots, for running into them will cause major damage.

He must play the G scale

And here's the aforementioned dragon boss.Quite nasty,this bit as he has a strange movement pattern.The main thing you want to worry about is the fact that his claws can hack down your life FAST!So stay away unless you enjoy sliced Bio Hamster sushi.:P


The blue box does exactly what it says on the tin..

These things are all over this level as you can see.Annoying in the EXTREME!This as far as I can get for now... more for later, hopefully.


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